ph: 8289 2649 mob: 0401 121 583 email: oshc.keithcot2@schools.sa.edu.au
Before & After School Care
The program is created by the service's Educational Leader, which is based off of staff observations, child suggestion and parental input. The weekly program is displayed on the window upon entry to OSHC and can be found on our Facebook page.
Before School Care
The Before School Care Session is run out of the main OSHC room, catering for all children from Kindy to Year 7.
Children from Kindy to Year 2 will be walked to class.
Breakfast is offered from 7am to 8am daily, as well as a once per week special breakfast.​
After School Care
The After School Care session is split into a Junior and Senior group to cater for individual children's needs and interest.
The Junior OSHC is held in the main OSHC room and is open for Kindy to Year 3 students. The Senior OSHC room is by the Keithcot Japanese room and is open for Years 4 to 7.
Children from Kindy to Year 2 will be collected from class. Children Years 3 to 7 will be required to make their way to OSHC once school has finished.
After school programs, like dance, basketball or music can be facilitated. Please contact the OSHC directly to arrange extra-curriculars.
Afternoon tea is provided from 3pm to 4pm daily.